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Give to advance Alzheimer’s research and care.

Alzheimer’s steals those we love. Our donor‑powered research is changing that.

Nearly all families have felt the pain of Alzheimer’s disease. We see the way to a different future.

Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t just steal memories. It steals the lives of people we love. Chances are, someone you love has been affected by Alzheimer’s. About a half-million Americans receive a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease each year, and the numbers keep growing.

Baylor College of Medicine’s Center for Alzheimer’s and Neurodegenerative Diseases (CAND) is leading the way to a different and better future. .

Baylor’s CAND is creating
“a new kind of medicine.”

CAND is a team of dedicated physicians, scientists and other experts, backed by committed donors. Together, we are pioneering the development of personalized approaches for diagnostics, risk prediction and ultimately treatment for and prevention of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) and other devastating conditions.

As a vital hub for interdisciplinary research affiliated with the largest medical center in the world, we’re uniquely positioned to turn new research-driven discoveries into treatments that benefit patients near and far.

, we’re leading the way toward a day when these life-threatening conditions no longer put any of our loved ones at risk.

In the words of CAND’s director Joshua Shulman, M.D., Ph.D., “our innovative, precision approach represents a new kind of neurology, and a new kind of medicine.”

Together, we can make a difference.
Your gift today helps advance innovative treatments, offering hope and improved quality of life for those battling devastating neurodegenerative diseases.

Through cutting-edge research, cross-disciplinary partnerships and direct patient care, we’re advancing how we understand the unique interactions between genes, lifestyle and other factors that can trigger forms of neurodegeneration — and then applying these insights to targeted therapies designed to meet the needs of each patient.

As Dr. Shulman says, “We’re trying to push the envelope of completely new treatment approaches that we think are going to hopefully cure this disease and better protect people against it in the years ahead.”

But millions are at risk. .

That’s our mission.
And you’re a part of it.

Our ability to find solutions for Alzheimer’s disease and related neurological diseases and conditions relies on the active partnership of patients, families, donors and community members investing in the future of health. . We welcome your generous support.

Ways to Give

Join us as we look beyond conventional medicine into what’s next in human health.